Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And the winner is....

Hey everybody!

(Can you tell I always feel weird about starting a blog entry without a salutation? It feels like I've just walked up to you & started talking in the middle of the conversation. Anyone ever felt that way before? lol - probably not...anyway...)

Some exciting wedding(ish)-related news: K & I went to a bridal show at the spur of the moment on Saturday. It was at the Tacoma Convention Center, and it had maybe 20 booths. It was kind of cute, actually & not at all overwhelming like I thought it would be.

We were talking to somebody (I think about ice sculptures - lol) and all of the sudden K said, "Honey, we have to go - we just won something!" It turns out, they'd called our names for door prizes! The prize was a huge basket from the Ram restaurants- I should have taken a picture. In it, there were several gift certificates for free deserts, appetizers and drinks at the Ram. There was also a free brunch at their restaurant on the Tacoma Waterfront, CJ Shenanigans, and two $60 gift certificates to their new Mexican restaurant in the U-Village, Sonrisa.  Sounds great, eh?

But wait!
There's more! 

In the basket there was a bottle of wine, a t-shirt and there was also a growler & a membership to their growler program.  What's a growler program, you ask?  Well, clearly you don't go to as many micro-breweries as my fiance & I do. ;-)  Basically a growler is a big jug for beer, like this:

The growler program gives you a discount on beer when you buy (or receive in a gift basket) a growler.  It's a great way to get to try different beers at a decent price.

K & I were totally psyched. In fact, we felt a little guilty that we didn't need any catering (which is what the Ram was there selling).  I told K that at least we got something we could use - I was afraid we'd get something we already had, like a discount for a bridesmaids dress.  Of course, now that I think about it, maybe we could have used that to look for a dress for C (I have *no* idea what the kids are going to wear).

After that, the bridal show seemed pretty boring. ;-)  We did talk to a bakery that we're probably going to go look at. They already work with our caterers a lot, and they were totally psyched about our idea for the cakes - which was a lot of fun. Their sample at the show was pretty good, but the real test will be taking the kids over there & seeing what pleases their discriminating pallates.

We also talked to the Partylite people. It was pretty funny, we kind of got trapped because K's a nice person & has trouble saying "no" when people start talking to him.  So, we stopped & looked through the displays they had. The lady tried to sell me something that we could use if our venue doesn't allow candles to spray a scent.  I decided it would be tactless to tell her that I'm generally very anti-scented things (except soaps). It was kind of odd to be sold something that looked like a fancy version of this:

She did give me a good idea for our aisle decoration, though.  I'd been thinking about doing something like this along each row, except bigger (I couldn't find the picture where I found this originally):

Except, I found these floating candles that look like the flame is actually floating on the water:

The only problem with those is that they're smaller than I would want the vases to be (for stability sake & looks), so I thought they might look funny. The Partylite lady told us that their tea lights float, though. So, now I'm thinking that we may do that - with lots of little flames instead of one big one.

So, all in all, it was a pretty productive afternoon - which I completely didn't expect.  Has anybody else ever won a cool doorprize before?

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