Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Center of Attention - Part 3

Centerpieces are becoming the bane of my existence.  Who knew so much thought could go into the center of a table?  I'm not sure if anyone will even notice them!  (Hint to everyone out there coming to our wedding: notice the centerpieces....please....)

As you may remember, originally - well technically not originally, secondly, we were going to have table cakes on half of the tables and a lamp from Ikea as a candle holder. We'd thought about it & liked the idea, but we had to find sneeze guard ...ahem... I mean bell covers. Plus, I had to figure out how to make a lamp into a candle holder.

So, the last time we were at Ikea, I bought one of the lamps that we wanted to use. I sat down while we were watching Iron Chef to try to figure it out. I was working with pliers & got a little too enthsiastic. And...surprise, surprise...broke the lamp. Gar!  (I'd have a picture here, but it was deleted in the great memory card debacle of 2009)   Since it was broken anyway, we took a better look at the lamp & realized we weren't going to be able to make it work.

At this point, we were back to the drawing board and I was getting frustrated. We had also talked about the table cakes and realized that for it to look right, we'd end up with way too much cake. I decided to look around for more inspiration. As I went through my old bookmarks, I found this picture:

I'd bookmarked it awhile ago and I absolutely love it. There's something about it that makes me so happy.  With that in mind, I hit Project Wedding to see what I could find.  And I found some great stuff; check out these:

So, K &  I took all of this lovely inspiration and made a decision (we think)...this has been the most difficult decision we've had to make so far.  I'm really happy with what we've decided right now & so I think I'm going to start shopping for this stuff and then it will just be tweaking instead of completely re-designing. :-)

Oh! You're wondering what we decided on?  Well, you'll have to wait until my next post for that. ;-)

1 comment:

eklay said...

Sounds like FUN! Although the idea of tooo much cake is practical, as long as it was chocolate it would not have been a problem for me ;-)