Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Now Open: Our Own Little Corner of the Internets

I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but my bridal party gave me a hard time about the website in the comments for my last post. What the heck is that? I thought they were supposed to be supportive!

;-) Just teasing....

The reason they gave me such a hard time is that I've told them about the website & I've made them write blurbs for the website, but I haven't actually showed them the website. This is partially because there are a few things there that we were tying up, but mostly because we had to move our domain name over and it took about a week longer than we expected it to.

It's finally done, now, though! The URL is www.[my first name]and[K's first name].com Please go check it out!

I've decided that I'm not actually going to put the URL on this blog at all. I feel like this is a little more exposed than our website & so I'm not sure I want everyone who can read the blog going through our website. This is probably completely arbitrary & anyone who tries can figure out our URL. K looked at me like I was crazy when I told him all of this. That's the plan, though.

If anyone has trouble finding the website, feel free to leave a comment & I'll reply to you directly. :-)

Head on over there - happy browsing!

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